Is It Safe to Smoke After Tooth Extraction?

March 5, 2022

Tooth extraction is required as a result of a variety of oral and health conditions. It can occur as a result of a major or minor accident, severe tooth decay, or poor oral health. It is, however, the last option that your oral health practitioner will consider if tooth recovery is not possible. If you …

Is sparkling water bad for my teeth?

February 26, 2022

Is your beloved sparkling water’s pleasurable fizz putting you in danger of dental decay? Because any carbonated beverage, including sparkling water, has a higher acid content, several studies have questioned whether drinking sparkling water may erode your dental enamel (the hard outer shell of your teeth where cavities first form). Is Sparkling Water Harmful to …

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

February 19, 2022

Sleep apnea is a frequent and serious sleeping problem in which your normal breathing is disrupted while you sleep. Snoring is prevalent among sleep apnea patients, however, not all snorers have the condition. There are two types of sleep apnea: obstructive and central. Obstructive sleep apnea is a most common variety and is caused by …

What does your tongue tell you about your health?

January 25, 2022

One of those things we all take for granted is our tongue! We used to explore the world with our tongues as children, licking everything in sight (much to our mother’s chagrin) and sticking it out at our siblings and parents to see how they reacted. We discovered more about our tongues while experiencing our …

When Should I Change My Toothbrush?

January 19, 2022

When was the last time you got a new toothbrush? We discard expired foods, replenish vitamins and supplements, and replace beauty products regularly. Still, when it comes to health and beauty, our dental hygiene doesn’t receive the same amount of attention or thought as other aspects of our regimen. However, there are some essential rules …

Are Sweets Bad for Your Teeth

January 1, 2022

There are times when your tongue just can’t get enough of sweets. We all know that sugary foods are bad for our teeth. But do you understand why it’s bad? And what are the effects of sweets on your pearly whites? Do you like to reward yourself with a candy bar? Or relaxing with a …

Take Good Dental Care of Your Teeths

December 11, 2021

Teeth are an essential element of our bodies.If you have a decent set of teeth, you will appear more attractive and have more confidence when smiling and speaking in front of others. People usually not mind taking good care of their teeths. People, do not take as good care of their teeth as they do …

Dental Clinic Near Gaur City- Viraj Dental Clinic, Gaur City, Call +91 9654311626

December 3, 2021

Viraj Dental Clinic, Gaur City 2 are designed to be different as dentists. A modern practice, we believe our patients are entitled to the best dental care available. Our skilled team of dental professionals are committed to providing you with an exceptional experience from start to finish. To this end, we offer a comprehensive array …